UX & UI Difference: Everything You Need to Know

We often hear about combining UX and UI in one sentence. But individually, these slightly different design principles have their tasks and goals. In this article, we will analyze how UX and UI differ from each other and what features each of them has.

UX is about the user’s interaction with the product and ensuring that every user can open the application and understand how it works right away. Any project starts with working out the UX part.

At this stage, designers thoroughly study the products of competitors and determine the needs of users and their problems. Such UX studies allow you to think through the product, create and test prototypes and abandon non-working solutions.

UI is about how the product looks and how the user perceives it. The main task is to create an interface that will stand out from the competition. To do this, colors, typography, infographics and animation are used.

At the stage of creating the UI, the designer can also work on the logo and branding (corporate identity) — everything that, one way or another, reflects the integrity of the product and its positioning. UI prototyping, animation and adaptability are the aspects that ensure comfortable interaction with the product on any device. It turns out that the difference between UI and UX is in workflows. And the goal is the same.

If we are talking about UX, then:

  1. It’s about how the user interacts with the product
  2. UX designers focus on the user’s interaction with the information
  3. The UX designer creates the logic of interaction with the product that conveys the business idea

UI differs from UX because:

  1. UI is about how the product will be perceived by the user
  2. Affects only the visual part of the design
  3. It is about the appearance and interactive design

A combination of UX and UI gives an excellent result and makes your product competitive, taking it to a new level. After all, it has already been proven that design-oriented companies are growing twice as fast as conventional industry solutions.

It is also important to understand that one cannot exist without the other. Creating a beautiful website where users have difficulty navigating is a bad approach. On the other hand, a competent, well–thought-out structure and a terrible, eye-cutting design is an option that does not differ much from the first one.

Of course, the concepts under consideration are different, and the responsibilities of UX and UI specialists too. However, in most cases, it is the same person. Therefore, a modern visual specialist should know all the stages of building an interface from beginning to end.

Well, here we have figured out what UX and UI are separately and also looked at why it is important to use them together 🙂

Psss, more exciting topics are coming soon on this platform. Stay tuned!

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