How to Become a UX/UI Designer

The only way to become a UX/UI designer is to practice design. It seems obvious and understandable without explanation, but many people think that top courses or eminent mentors can make them designers. Of course, these factors provide a significant boost for practical skills, but once again: to be a good designer, you need to do this, always discover something new, and continuously improve.

In today’s article, we will analyze this topic and try to give some tips from the personal experience of our design team. So, make yourself comfortable, and we will begin.

Look around and get inspired

When we hear the word “design”, we think about a beautiful picture. It’s just about UI and taste. Even if you have it by nature, look again and again at a good design. You don’t need to limit yourself to interfaces, take it wider. Surely you already have a profile where you collect delicious pictures. Keep up the good work.

It’s difficult to do something new without looking at existing experience, so it is useful for a future UX designer to pump the skill of watching. Use the latest versions of applications that have gained popularity among millions of people: this way, you will get a feel for the brand culture and will have an example of what you should strive for before your eyes.

Behance and Dribbble are the most popular places where you can find inspiration and follow trends, but beware, many of the ideas there are too beautiful to be convenient or ever implemented.

Try to feel it

Carefully examine the interface of this product to understand why it was designed this way and not otherwise. Imagine the problems the product aims to solve, visualize the target audience, consider the paths and user transitions conceived by the product’s creators, and incorporate these insights into your own experience bank.


As it was said, to become a designer, you need practice. Therefore, take the application you like and try to redraw it first. At the same time, learn how to use tools. The next step is to try to improve this interface and redesign it. This can be done not only with applications but, for example, with websites or other design elements you want to interact with.

Study not only interfaces but also any products that surround you. An important skill of a UX designer is the ability to improve, to see the needs of users and the best ways to meet them.


Perhaps the best way to become a UI/UX designer is to start working with them. Try to start by finding, if not a full-time job, then an internship. It will be difficult, but it is a valuable experience. To gain your first experience, seek out an internship option; upon completion, it guarantees you a place in a junior position.

Importance of portfolio

The first and most important thing that immediately shows the skills and experience of a UX designer is his portfolio, a bank of the best works. It is the practical experience that employers and private customers primarily focus on.

Your work will primarily influence the final decision, although you’ll still need to discuss your education and completed courses. Collect them immediately, even in the process of learning and later replace similar cases with stronger ones.

The most popular sites where UX designers place their portfolios: are Dribbble, Behance, and Uplabs. These are huge professional communities where you can not only upload works and attract clients but also communicate, comment on the work of other designers, and look for inspiration and support.

What to place in the portfolio if there is no practical experience yet? You can redesign an existing product or solve a problem for a fictional customer. Training cases are suitable for a beginner’s portfolio.

A UX/UI designer should understand the basics of marketing, take care of the convenience of the site, select readable fonts, and make the interface emotional — with the help of colors and illustrations. So, how to become a UX/UI designer?
Mastering the basics of the profession independently is possible, but to acquire deep knowledge, it is preferable to take courses—especially short-term ones.

Psss, more exciting topics are coming soon on this platform. Stay tuned!

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